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Tuesdays crazy!

Today feels like I have so much to do that I am at a loss.  This morning my alarm went off and I didn't want to get up.  I actually rolled over and laid there trying to convince myself it was ok to not workout.  Silly me.

On now on the treadmill walking so that has to count for something right? 

Today's bible study was about making a plan.  Being ready.  I'm a big planner but I hate planning exercise!  I don't know why either.  I can plan aqua fit and zumba.  Maybe because they are 'out of the house' activities but making time for myself just doesn't work.

This is something I have to do.

Today is Kylers first track meet!  I am going with my camera to watch my baby run!  I can't wait!! 

After track I need to get q and head to work at the church.  Then home to get k.  Because its such a big day for k we are going out for dinner with him.  And he gets to pick.  I am very excited for that.  I do have a meeting for school at 7pm so it will be a tight dinner but fun for sure.

Have a great Tuesday!!

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Loving life 1 day at a time

So.... yeah.  I'm owning up to a new idea new plan and a new start.  With mothers day there were a lot of articles for how moms look, feel, advice, and just about anything.

Well I've been motivated again.  I weight in this morning ( keep in mind that its the day after a car ride big meal and a salty meal last night).  I'm at 241.8lbs.  Walk of shame... party of one?

But I was on the treadmill this morning for 15 minutes and I had some breakfast so hopefully this is a good start.  I got 4 jar salads ready last night as well. 

And I downloaded this app this morning so I can post while walking!  I'm hoping it will keep me accountable!

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Weekly Review ~ Week #8

My Friday weight in went like this:

Starting weight: 243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
Weight in #1 - 237.4lbs DOWN 5.6lbs!!
Weight in #2 - 237.0lbs DOWN 0.4lbs
Weight in #3 - 236.4lbs DOWN 0.6lbs
Weight in #4 - 235.6lbs DOWN 0.8lbs
Weight in #5 - 235.6lbs same
Weight in #6 - Didn't do
Weight in #7 - 238.0lbs UP 2.4lbs
Weight in #8 - 238.0lbs same

Total weight down 5lbs

I haven't changed at all.  To be honest I'm not mad, and I'm not happy.  It's one of those.

To add to the fun we are just back from my parents house today.  And that meant another weekend of eating yummy food.  I need to stop that!  Seriously stop that!

I'm having/had a bad body image week.  Things just seemed to be bad.  Clothes didn't fit (duh with the weight gain) and things just aren't making me happy right now.

I'm hoping I can kick my own ass.  I need to get working.  I have to remember I am doing this to make me HEALTHY.  I believe that may be the key here... being healthy and not being thin.

heres to week 9

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The illusion of Winter Coats

Yesterday I went shopping with my hubby.  I love it when he goes with me.  It's kinda our "time" alone.  It's not that any of the problems of the world get solved but we are ok deal with small issues while we walk, and it give him and idea of what he is cooking and I'm making during the week.

We like to talk about just about anything.

Yesterday we talked about clothes and getting fit (I was buying ingredients to make smoothies). After our talk wouldn't you know it but I swear I saw more people around the city that were a bit "filled in" from the winter months.

It's the first time we have gone shopping when the weather was so nice and people were willing to go out without coats on.

The mama in me was guessing "pregnant or not" but then the woman in me realized that yes, I'm not the only one who has gained weight.  And I'm *sure* I'm not the only one working it off.

While it did make me feel "ok" with gaining a bit this week it also helped me to realize I'm not alone in this struggle.

After everyone has shed their winter coats I realized they weren't the thing that was bulky, it may have been the person wearing them!

Anyway... my illusion of everyone being stick thin under their winter coats is gone and it reminds me, once again, that we are all human, and while I do have weeks where I gain I do need to get back on the "loosing" bandwagon.

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My First Disincentive

Ok first of all... let me say I thought I could "handle" the disincentives my husband was going to come up with.  I thought most would be ok, and I could handle them with little to no worries.

I mean for gaining 1 pound my "disincentive" was:

Giving Arnold a 30 minute back rub.

How hard can that be right?

Well for gaining what I did this week (2.4lbs) I have to clean our back room. 


NOT fun.  Our back room is not an easy place to clean.  There is stuff ALL over and it takes SO much time to get it clean for it to not last long.  I'm never sure what to do and not do back there and really it's truly a "junk storage" area.

But... that being said.  I really do need to clean it.  So here it goes!  Today, after church, and at least a half hour every day until Friday I have to work on the back room, getting it clean and ready to go for the summer.  I see some painting in my future.  Which may truly suck, but that's ok.  It needs to get done and it needs to look good right?

So here I go... into my first Disincentive.

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Weekly Review ~ Week #7

For some reason the past two weeks have been H-A-R-D!  SO hard.

I thought things would be easy.  I mean I had all my meals planned out for the week before.  And while I didn't weight in that Friday (too crazy getting ready for weekends away) I figured I had done ok.

Then I went to my parents house.  I have this habit of eating like "normal" there.  Which means, treats, snacks, junk, crap, all weekend.  I have to stop that.

Then I came home to a completely unprepared week.  I had enough food in my house to feed everyone and get meals completed but everything seemed to sneak up on me and just kick my bum all day every day.

When Friday came around I knew it was bad.  VERY bad.

So here I am... up past where I wanted to be.  But I have learned.  I've learned that while I wish I could be a "free and easy" mama I can't.  There's no way I can do this.   I was born a planner for a reason and I should use that to my advantage, as much as humanly possible.

Here's what it looks like now:

My Friday weight in went like this:

Starting weight: 243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
Weight in #1 - 237.4lbs DOWN 5.6lbs!!
Weight in #2 - 237.0lbs DOWN 0.4lbs
Weight in #3 - 236.4lbs DOWN 0.6lbs
Weight in #4 - 235.6lbs DOWN 0.8lbs
Weight in #5 - 235.6lbs same
Weight in #6 - Didn't do
Weight in #7 - 238.0lbs UP 2.4lbs

Total weight down 5lbs

While I want to stay excited it's hard.  I've been so stupid and done such stupid things, made stupid choices, and ate so stupid that it makes me mad.

HOWEVER... I've learned.  I've learned to use my planning skills, learned to be careful what I've eaten....

And learned that hubby's "disincentives" SUCK :(

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So far so Good!!

While the numbers aren't anywhere close to what I want them to be I'm doing ok.  This week was the WORST for me. 

I've been finding that I've been thinking about Otis a lot more this week and I finally clued in that it's because he was born 5 months ago on Sunday.  No matter how bad I think things are going I just have to think about losing my son and I know they could be, and have been, much worse.

I am doing pretty good with my extra workouts!  Every morning so far (so 3 days) I've been up on the treadmill doing 10 minutes of walking before doing too much else.  I've found a devotion from Casting Crowns on my Bible "app" and I've been doing it every morning on the treadmill.  After that I check in with my Hello Morning Group and my 10 minutes are up!  It's perfect for me.  This morning I was going to add 5 minutes but the treadmill didn't let me!  I'm thinking maybe the rest of the week 10 minutes each and then next week we will see about going up another 5 minutes every other day or something like that.

I'm excited to see that at least it's working.

Last week I did Jar salads.  I sat down on sunday and made salads for the whole week.  I made 2 "chicken caeser salads" and 2 that were garden salads.  I love them!  It didn't take long and my meals were planned out for me to a T!  It was great.  This week I haven't been doing that, or even meal planning or grocery shopping.  Bad Miranda!

I am seeing a real difference in my eating habits because of this.  More snacking and more time standing in the kitchen figuring out what the heck I want to eat!

I know next week I need to get moving on getting things done for us!!  This is just crazy!  If I have better weeks with a bit of planning I've got to get back on that.

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