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Oh goodness!!

Well our vacation is over... and I can tell.

This morning I weighted in at 244.4lbs... more than I've weighted since I was pregnant... I'm not happy :(

Arnold and I made an agreement that we need to get this family back on a healthy track.  So that's my plan.  I'm going over recipe books and getting some new plans out for our food. 

I'm sure once I drink more water and eat less crap I'll lose some more weight after our cottage week of eating whatever we could find.

But it's horrible to see that number :(

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Well if there's one thing I've learned...

it's that I'm the laziest person in the whole world!

I'm loving my Fitbit.  It's great.  I'm learning a lot about myself with it.  Not only that I don't walk as much as I thought but more so that I need to get walking more.

During the week I'm averaging about 600 steps from morning until about 4pm.  This is with my "summer routine".  I'm so lazy!

When it gets to evening time I'm doing a bit more walking but not much, unless I need to got to Wal-Mart or something.

I'm not getting close to my 5000 steps a day (that should be average) or even close to the best of doing 10,000 steps a day to lose some more weight.

I'm going to have to work on this!

Starting on Saturday.  I want a full week of what my "normal" schedule is.  Even with eating, which is horrible.

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And we try again....

I'm now trying again... again.


I know I know.  I've done this lots and lots before.  I've come up with so many "options" and so many "plans" that I'm finally getting back on track.

Here's my new "plan"

Start slow!  hehe... I need to start slow... even more slower!

Arnold and I talked about it a lot about how I jump into things.  I love going full hearted into something, like weight loss, and then about 2 to 3 weeks later I don't see results and I get frustrated and I binge eat.  A lot... my weight goes back up and then it just goes around and around and around.

It's this horrible cycle I put myself into.

So we are working on this now. 

Now is the time to turn over a new leaf.

As you know I'm a planner.  A BIG planner.  A REALLY Big planner.

A few days ago I printed off some calendars with "starting weight" and "ending weight".  I decided to really work at it this time.  Today Arnold and I went out and picked up a "Fitbit".  I've got it on now and I'm excited to see how it works.  SLOWLY!

I'm working on seeing how my steps rack up for the next week.  I'm going to try and see how it all works out.  I have spots on my calendar now to put in my "steps _________" each day.  After 1 week I'm going to up my steps and see how they go.

I'm going slow... VERY slowly!

After talking with my blood pressure doctor, Arnold and I have made the choice to aim for 1 pound a week.  While that may not seem like a lot and completely changes what my plans are, I'm still excited to see how these changes SLOWLY happen.

Starting with the end of July I want to lose 2 lbs:

And I'm hoping to ring in the new year in the 210's.  My goal is for the week before the new year I will be at 220lbs.  If I get there before HELL YEAH!

I've also redone my motivation board.  I'm so excited to get using it.

I've set up the Pounds To Lose section.  I've got the clips in 5 sets.  I have 4 sets of 5 (20 clips) and 3 extra.  My weight start when I really "started" to lose weight a while ago was 243lbs.  So that's where I started.  I wanted to lose 23lbs.  So here's my goal:

I do also have a "pounds lost" section.  When I do lose weight I take the clips from the "Pounds to Lose" and move it to the "Pounds Lost" section.

 I have a "Goals" section as well.  It's my goals for this time.  I'm working on losing weight, counting our steps, and most of all... working towards my new goal.

I've also updated my sticky notes sheet :)  I've got new goals and new motivation.  All things that will help me encourage myself to work towards this weight loss.

I've got different levels.  5+ pounds loss.  It gives me :

I have 2 for 3+ pounds loss. 


I have 3 for the 2+ pounds loss

I have 5 for the 1+ pounds loss.  I needed the "easy" motivation.  So if I accurately lose weight every single week I can "get something".  Most are from Arnold, but things I love or want!

I also have my starting weight (243lbs) and my next weight ins (July 21st - tomorrow morning to know just what it is; and July 26th - my normal Friday morning weights ins)

And last but not least my Goal weight for 2013.  I want to be at this weight or lower for Jan 2014!!

So there you have it!  My new plan. 

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Today's The Day!!

So back in Jan I thought I would book a photo shoot for myself.  And to be honest, not just any photo shoot a "boudoir" photo shoot with this company :  http://www.lastfortypercent.com/  This is their main page (they do weddings, families, new babies, ect as well as boudoir photo shoots).

I thought this would scare me enough to lose that weight and rock out these photos.

Then I realized I just can't do this on my own.  I was looking back at my "2013 restart" plan and I weighted 243lbs.  I can tell you that today I weight about 234lbs.  I've lost 10 pounds since right after March break.  I'm getting there but not as "quickly" as I would like.

As I've said before my BP dr wants me to lose weight, more weight, ALOT more weight than I thought I could but I'm going to try it. 

However.. that being said... my photo shoot day is here.  I woke up yesterday with the two biggest pimples EVER on my face. I was hoping they would just go away, but I was wrong.  So my next 2 hopes are that the makeup artist I'm going to is AMAZING and if not that the photographer doesn't mind spending time in Photoshop getting them to look better!

So here I am... laying in bed trying to get myself moving for the day.  I'm worried my pictures will look horrible.  I'm scared that once I actually see myself in front of a camera I will hate it and most of all I'm terrified of what Arnold will think when they come back.

I still haven't decided if I will even show him but still.

I promise I'll post about it once it's done but for now this is how I feel :)

Have a great day!

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Week 13

My Friday weight in went like this:
Starting weight: 243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
Weight in #1 - 237.4lbs DOWN 5.6lbs!!
Weight in #2 - 237.0lbs DOWN 0.4lbs
Weight in #3 - 236.4lbs DOWN 0.6lbs
Weight in #4 - 235.6lbs DOWN 0.8lbs
Weight in #5 - 235.6lbs same
Weight in #6 - Didn't do
Weight in #7 - 238.0lbs UP 2.4lbs
Weight in #8 - 238.0lbs same
Weight in #11 - 239lbs
Weight in #12 - 235.0lbs
Weight in #13 - 235.2lbs
Total weight down 7.8lbs
I've been working out a lot.  Almost every day.  I've done something to my foot and it hurts like hell!  So I'm hoping this goes away and working out will be easier.
Only a few more weeks until my photos!

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June 10 - double time

Today was hard.  I can tell AF is coming soon.  I want to eat everything in sight!

Breakfast was a muffin, some raspberries and my pills.

I had a soda cracker at school.

Lunch was a taco salad and some water.

Shortly after I went for my run.  I did 30 mins on the 2.5 on 1.5 off and faster.  When I was done I wanted something to eat.  I grabbed a peanut butter square.  Then some chicken.... Then a cheese string.

K got home and I had some popcorn cause the boys had a bag.  Then dinner was a chicken ceased salad with garlic bread. I had 6 puffs with whipping cream, raspberries, and maple syrup.

Uggg... I could have done without some of that food. 

I didn't go to aqua fit tonight so I did 15 min interval training.  Hard work!!!

Here's to tomorrow!

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June 9th - kick it up!!

Today was getting back into the routine.  We had a crazy weekend.  Friday was great.  I ate well and felt great.  Even ran!  Saturday was harder.  We had friends over for lunch and had tacos.  Then dinner was the youth grad banquet!  It was crazy good food.

Today we got back on track.  After breakfast in bed (one muffin and some berries) I went for a run.  Instead of my 2 min walk and 2 min run I did 2.5 min run and 1.5 min walk.  Dang that was harder!!!

We went out to church and had lunch at home.  I had two little burgers left over from last Fridays burgers.  Then I did some watering of plants.  Arnold went out for groceries and I did some things around the house.  When Arnold got back we headed out for the dress store!  I got a new dress!  I'm excited to wear it. 

We got home and heated up the leftovers from the banquet and had pasta bread salad and garlic bread for dinner.  So yummy!!

Now I'm done!  I made it through the day!!

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Week #12 Review

My Friday weight in went like this:

Starting weight: 243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
Weight in #1 - 237.4lbs DOWN 5.6lbs!!
Weight in #2 - 237.0lbs DOWN 0.4lbs
Weight in #3 - 236.4lbs DOWN 0.6lbs
Weight in #4 - 235.6lbs DOWN 0.8lbs
Weight in #5 - 235.6lbs same
Weight in #6 - Didn't do
Weight in #7 - 238.0lbs UP 2.4lbs
Weight in #8 - 238.0lbs same
Weight in #11 - 239lbs
Weight in #12 - 235.0lbs

 Total weight down 8lbs

Working out every day has helped!!  I'm going to keep up working out and eating healthy.  It has helped enough so far!!

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My Blood Pressure Check up

Morning!  I'm actually at a computer for the first time in a while.  I've been blogging off an app on my phone so this feels a little "odd".

I posted this morning about My 6 Month Check Up .  It went really well.  Feel free to click on the link and check it out.

I'm thought I would take some time today and check out my past weights since having Otis and see where I am:

My first "official" weight in on the app I have called MFP (MyFitnessPal)  225lbs on December 22nd 2012.  It would have been my lowest weight for a while. 

After I lost Otis I kept losing and losing and losing and it scared me more than anything.  I knew I couldn't keep that weight loss up and going so that was the concern.  Slowly my weight in went like this:

232.2lbs - Jan 1st 2013
232.8lbs - Feb 5th 2013
237.2lbs - Feb 11th 2013
234.8lbs - Feb 15th 2013
232.0lbs - Feb 22nd 2013
236.6lbs - March 8th 2013
243.0lbs - March 16th 2013 - March Break
237.4lbs - March 22nd 2013
237.0lbs - March 29th 2013
236.4lbs - April 5th 2013 - Around Otis's Due Date
235.6lbs - April 12th 2013 - Around Otis's Due Date
235.6lbs - April 19th 2013
238.0lbs - May 3rd 2013
241.8lbs - May 13th 2013
240.4lbs - May 17th 2013
239.2lbs - May 24th 2013 - around our Anniversary
239.0lbs - May 31st 2013

And Todays:

235.0lbs - June 7th 2013

If I can get down 3lbs I can get down to my lowest weight in 2013!!!  I'm hoping I can do this with no problems.  I need to be able to handle this.  I need to lose the weight.

My goal is Sept 18th to be down to 220lbs.  That's 18 weeks from now.  I need to lose a pound a week to get there.  I'd like to be less but we will see!!

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June 6 - Made it!!

I made it.  I made it through the day.  Not that it was a hard day just a busy one.

Breakfast was a quick muffin out the door to work. I had a coffee at work and a mug of hot water.  I had forgotten my water bottle!  Won't do that again.

Lunch was a half a tuna sub and a bag of baked chips.  I did order s foot long but we got called to k's school because he fell and cut up his knee.  We raced out and checked on him.

Then off to the hospital.  I had my follow up visit with my bp Dr after all the tests I had done a few months ago.  Thanking God that all my tests came back normal.  I do have more (I think) uric acid.  Something that could be a marker for kidney stones.  When I told her I had kidney stones before she said that would be why.  I'm clear for Lupus, diabetes, and my thyroid is normal.  I'm so happy with this news.

We came home and the boys went to swimming lessons and I worked out.  I got my half hour on the treadmill.

When the boys got home we had a yummy supper.  Jack made it.  It was on rice and it was so yummy.

No dessert for me.

I did go to Zumba as well tonight.... Dang I am tired!!

I'm going to post more about the drs appointment but I need to keep losing weight.  Thankfully having her talk more about it helped Arnold to understand that I need his support or I will be on these meds forever.

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June 5 - hard

Yesterday was hard.  I had a rough time getting my selfcontrol under wraps.

Breakfast was some fruit with a muffin because everyone ate my waffles!  No snack.  I even resisted the ice cream bars I had to sell!

Lunch was my jar salad and about 2 bites of a waffle pieces. It stuck to the waffle maker!  Opps.

I did my 30 minutes on the treadmill so getting exercise is good.

I skipped a snack to opt for an ice cream bar I was selling after school.  Things got so crazy I never got my bar!

And when I got home I resisted the peanut butter square to start supper sooner.  We ended up waiting until 5:30pm to eat... which was about an hour and a half after I thought we would eat.  Dinner was quick and easy to make but we waited for Arnold.

It was a yummy pasta dish.... and as we know... pasta is my crack.  I love pasta.  I had about 3 small plates of supper.   At one point I even moved the pot but it was so yummy.

I went to youth and had 4 cinatwists.  About 140 cals in total.

It was yummy.  Just a perfect sweetness for me.

But I won't lie... it was hard.

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June 4 - Kick it out the door!

I made it!!  Even with having a "long" day.

This morning I got breakfast in bed!  I love breakfast in bed!  Arnold brought me a warmed muffin, some raspberries and a diet coke.  While I didn't drink my diet coke and I only had 1 muffin it was SOOOOOO yummy.  And what a nice treat!

I showered and was out the door to work at 6:45am.  I started my time around 7am.  Not to bad hey?

I only had 1 cup of coffee and a hard candy before I left.  Q and I did some running around (got some ice cream bars for the sale tomorrow at school and headed back to school to drop it off). 

We got home and had lunch.  I had my jar salad and some water.  Then came the "hard part".  I had to go to the bank and get some float for the next day.  And Q got to have a "treat" at Dairy Queen.  He had an ice cream cone dipped in chocolate and sprinkles.  Dang.... it's so not fair!  I wanted to eat it so bad.  SOOO bad.

I had a bit of his ice cream by licking the cone to make sure it didn't come down on him. 

We got home and I had a peanut butter square from my 90 cal pack. 

We had supper early and I think that helped.  The boys and I were alone tonight and we ate around 4:45pm.  We had fish tacos.  They were really good.  It was a tortilla with a coleslaw mix (the cabbage and carrot mix with 3 tablespoons of mayo and 1 teaspoon of lime juice mixed together).  We put that on the tortilla and with "taco" cheese and fish sticks.  It was really really good.  I had 3!  They were a lot of the mix and then 1 or 2 fish sticks and a bit of cheese.

Anyway the boys had homework and showers and then they were off to bed at 7pm.  I watched some TV shows for a bit (JAG).

I went and did my run around 8pm or so.  I was so tired!

I've decided to change it up after 7 days and see how I do. 

I'm currently doing

5 minutes at 2mph
2 minutes at 4mph
2 minutes at 2.5mph
2 minutes at 4.5mph
2 minutes at 2.5mph
2 minutes at 4.5mph
2 minutes at 2.5mph
2 minutes at 4.5mph
2 minutes at 2mph
2 minutes at 4mph
2 minutes at 2mph
5 minutes at 2mph - weights at the same time

I'm thinking in the next 7 days will be

5 minutes
2.5 minutes at 4mph
1.5 minutes at 2mph
2.5 minutes at 4.5mph
1.5 minutes at 2.5mph
2.5 minutes at 4.5mph
1.5 minutes at 2.5mph
2.5 minutes at 4.5mph
1.5 minutes at 2mph
2.5 minutes at 4mph
1.5 minutes at 2mph
5 minutes at 2mph - weights at the same time

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June 3 - done x2

Happy Monday!

Not so bad for me.  I had a muffin and some raspberries for breakfast then off to the races.  We had school and I volunteered.  I did have a few carrot sticks at school for snack but thats it.

Lunch at home was my salad I had made up this weekend.  And a bottle of water.

In the afternoon I did my 30 treadmill workout.  I did have a 90cal snack of a peanut butter square.  And then we headed off to the park early and got to play on the playground for a bit.  I packed snacks for the kids (koolaid jammers and sone rice crispy squares)  and I packed my water bottle and an apple.

Supper was hard.  Pasta and garlic bread are my weak link.  I had a small bowl of pasta and sauce with meatballs and some garlic bread. Once Arnold got home we sat down for round 2 (I was afraid I didn't make enough pasta for seconds).   I had some meatballs and sauce and another slice of garlic bread. And as always my diet coke!

After supper I layed down for 10min or so then off to aqua fit.  I did an hour class.

Dang im tired!!!

Hopefully all this working out will pay off down the line!

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June 2 - down the hatch!

Well day 2 is almost  over.  I noticed a few things today.

1 - I can't sssume I can squeeze myself into outfits I wore last year.  My body has changed

2 - I eat way too much

3 - asking for help is ok.

Today I had a muffin for breakfast then headed out to get groceries alone.  We had assumed Arnold would be gone in the afternoon so I went out as soon as they opened to get our weekly groceries.

I got home and hung out with the boys for a bit then went to church.  I was smart and brought a water bottle and that seemed to help when I could feel my tummy rumbling.

After church we had lunch (I had 3 progeries left over and about 7 slices of bacon).  Arnold and I did some running around then back home.  I did pretty good about not snacking. 

But by supper I was so hungry.  I did limit myself to 1 cheeseburger and a small handful of chips.  I even asked my brother to take the chips and move them across the table. 

After dinner I had a small slice of cake and that was it.  Oh and my dinner diet coke!

I cleaned off the table and made up my 5 jar salads for the week and popped those in the fridge.

The boys went to bed a while ago and I hung out with arnold for a bit then came down for my run.  Today I did 2 sets at a higher speed.  Thankfully I made it!

Now to shower and head to bed.  Im hoping tomorrow is just as easy to handle

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June 1st - success!

Well today I managed to get a bit of my goal done.  I drank 4 cups of water during the day and another 4 cups at night when I exercised!

Yep.  Thata right.  Exercised!  I got 30 minutes on the treadmill.  I did a 5 min warm up followed by 20 min of 2 run 2 walk.  And then a 5 min cool down while using weights to work my arms out. 

I also had a muffin for breakfast,  chicken burger and two cheese strings for lunch and 1 take of dinner.  We had progeries and bacon.  So hard to resist!  I saved my diet coke until dinner.  And for dessert a fruit bar fron m&ms that was only 90 cal.

All in all I would say a success!

Here's to tomorrow!

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Weekly Review ~ Week 11

I'm so behind on things!

My phone broke and we had to get me a new one.  Once we did I lost my login information to this blog and had to find it again.

FINALLY, I found it!

I'm back.  Here's my sad update:

My Friday weight in went like this:

Starting weight: 243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
Weight in #1 - 237.4lbs DOWN 5.6lbs!!
Weight in #2 - 237.0lbs DOWN 0.4lbs
Weight in #3 - 236.4lbs DOWN 0.6lbs
Weight in #4 - 235.6lbs DOWN 0.8lbs
Weight in #5 - 235.6lbs same
Weight in #6 - Didn't do
Weight in #7 - 238.0lbs UP 2.4lbs
Weight in #8 - 238.0lbs same
Weight in #11 - 239lbs

 Total weight down 4lbs

I've gone up and down and up and down.

I'm trying so hard this month.  I'm one month away from my main motivation and I need to kick some ass!

So I'm hoping to get on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day, get some more liquid in, eat my salads healthy, and only eat 1 serving of supper.  Last week I made a lot of comfort foods.  I knew it was something I "wanted" last week as we celebrated our 6 months in heaven for our sweet baby Otis.  I knew I would "want" something (please think "need" inside all those instead.. but I'm slowly learning it's not something  I "need" it's something I "want").

Here's to a better month!  June is going to rock!

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Tuesdays crazy!

Today feels like I have so much to do that I am at a loss.  This morning my alarm went off and I didn't want to get up.  I actually rolled over and laid there trying to convince myself it was ok to not workout.  Silly me.

On now on the treadmill walking so that has to count for something right? 

Today's bible study was about making a plan.  Being ready.  I'm a big planner but I hate planning exercise!  I don't know why either.  I can plan aqua fit and zumba.  Maybe because they are 'out of the house' activities but making time for myself just doesn't work.

This is something I have to do.

Today is Kylers first track meet!  I am going with my camera to watch my baby run!  I can't wait!! 

After track I need to get q and head to work at the church.  Then home to get k.  Because its such a big day for k we are going out for dinner with him.  And he gets to pick.  I am very excited for that.  I do have a meeting for school at 7pm so it will be a tight dinner but fun for sure.

Have a great Tuesday!!

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Loving life 1 day at a time

So.... yeah.  I'm owning up to a new idea new plan and a new start.  With mothers day there were a lot of articles for how moms look, feel, advice, and just about anything.

Well I've been motivated again.  I weight in this morning ( keep in mind that its the day after a car ride big meal and a salty meal last night).  I'm at 241.8lbs.  Walk of shame... party of one?

But I was on the treadmill this morning for 15 minutes and I had some breakfast so hopefully this is a good start.  I got 4 jar salads ready last night as well. 

And I downloaded this app this morning so I can post while walking!  I'm hoping it will keep me accountable!

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Weekly Review ~ Week #8

My Friday weight in went like this:

Starting weight: 243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
Weight in #1 - 237.4lbs DOWN 5.6lbs!!
Weight in #2 - 237.0lbs DOWN 0.4lbs
Weight in #3 - 236.4lbs DOWN 0.6lbs
Weight in #4 - 235.6lbs DOWN 0.8lbs
Weight in #5 - 235.6lbs same
Weight in #6 - Didn't do
Weight in #7 - 238.0lbs UP 2.4lbs
Weight in #8 - 238.0lbs same

Total weight down 5lbs

I haven't changed at all.  To be honest I'm not mad, and I'm not happy.  It's one of those.

To add to the fun we are just back from my parents house today.  And that meant another weekend of eating yummy food.  I need to stop that!  Seriously stop that!

I'm having/had a bad body image week.  Things just seemed to be bad.  Clothes didn't fit (duh with the weight gain) and things just aren't making me happy right now.

I'm hoping I can kick my own ass.  I need to get working.  I have to remember I am doing this to make me HEALTHY.  I believe that may be the key here... being healthy and not being thin.

heres to week 9

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The illusion of Winter Coats

Yesterday I went shopping with my hubby.  I love it when he goes with me.  It's kinda our "time" alone.  It's not that any of the problems of the world get solved but we are ok deal with small issues while we walk, and it give him and idea of what he is cooking and I'm making during the week.

We like to talk about just about anything.

Yesterday we talked about clothes and getting fit (I was buying ingredients to make smoothies). After our talk wouldn't you know it but I swear I saw more people around the city that were a bit "filled in" from the winter months.

It's the first time we have gone shopping when the weather was so nice and people were willing to go out without coats on.

The mama in me was guessing "pregnant or not" but then the woman in me realized that yes, I'm not the only one who has gained weight.  And I'm *sure* I'm not the only one working it off.

While it did make me feel "ok" with gaining a bit this week it also helped me to realize I'm not alone in this struggle.

After everyone has shed their winter coats I realized they weren't the thing that was bulky, it may have been the person wearing them!

Anyway... my illusion of everyone being stick thin under their winter coats is gone and it reminds me, once again, that we are all human, and while I do have weeks where I gain I do need to get back on the "loosing" bandwagon.

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My First Disincentive

Ok first of all... let me say I thought I could "handle" the disincentives my husband was going to come up with.  I thought most would be ok, and I could handle them with little to no worries.

I mean for gaining 1 pound my "disincentive" was:

Giving Arnold a 30 minute back rub.

How hard can that be right?

Well for gaining what I did this week (2.4lbs) I have to clean our back room. 


NOT fun.  Our back room is not an easy place to clean.  There is stuff ALL over and it takes SO much time to get it clean for it to not last long.  I'm never sure what to do and not do back there and really it's truly a "junk storage" area.

But... that being said.  I really do need to clean it.  So here it goes!  Today, after church, and at least a half hour every day until Friday I have to work on the back room, getting it clean and ready to go for the summer.  I see some painting in my future.  Which may truly suck, but that's ok.  It needs to get done and it needs to look good right?

So here I go... into my first Disincentive.

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Weekly Review ~ Week #7

For some reason the past two weeks have been H-A-R-D!  SO hard.

I thought things would be easy.  I mean I had all my meals planned out for the week before.  And while I didn't weight in that Friday (too crazy getting ready for weekends away) I figured I had done ok.

Then I went to my parents house.  I have this habit of eating like "normal" there.  Which means, treats, snacks, junk, crap, all weekend.  I have to stop that.

Then I came home to a completely unprepared week.  I had enough food in my house to feed everyone and get meals completed but everything seemed to sneak up on me and just kick my bum all day every day.

When Friday came around I knew it was bad.  VERY bad.

So here I am... up past where I wanted to be.  But I have learned.  I've learned that while I wish I could be a "free and easy" mama I can't.  There's no way I can do this.   I was born a planner for a reason and I should use that to my advantage, as much as humanly possible.

Here's what it looks like now:

My Friday weight in went like this:

Starting weight: 243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
Weight in #1 - 237.4lbs DOWN 5.6lbs!!
Weight in #2 - 237.0lbs DOWN 0.4lbs
Weight in #3 - 236.4lbs DOWN 0.6lbs
Weight in #4 - 235.6lbs DOWN 0.8lbs
Weight in #5 - 235.6lbs same
Weight in #6 - Didn't do
Weight in #7 - 238.0lbs UP 2.4lbs

Total weight down 5lbs

While I want to stay excited it's hard.  I've been so stupid and done such stupid things, made stupid choices, and ate so stupid that it makes me mad.

HOWEVER... I've learned.  I've learned to use my planning skills, learned to be careful what I've eaten....

And learned that hubby's "disincentives" SUCK :(

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So far so Good!!

While the numbers aren't anywhere close to what I want them to be I'm doing ok.  This week was the WORST for me. 

I've been finding that I've been thinking about Otis a lot more this week and I finally clued in that it's because he was born 5 months ago on Sunday.  No matter how bad I think things are going I just have to think about losing my son and I know they could be, and have been, much worse.

I am doing pretty good with my extra workouts!  Every morning so far (so 3 days) I've been up on the treadmill doing 10 minutes of walking before doing too much else.  I've found a devotion from Casting Crowns on my Bible "app" and I've been doing it every morning on the treadmill.  After that I check in with my Hello Morning Group and my 10 minutes are up!  It's perfect for me.  This morning I was going to add 5 minutes but the treadmill didn't let me!  I'm thinking maybe the rest of the week 10 minutes each and then next week we will see about going up another 5 minutes every other day or something like that.

I'm excited to see that at least it's working.

Last week I did Jar salads.  I sat down on sunday and made salads for the whole week.  I made 2 "chicken caeser salads" and 2 that were garden salads.  I love them!  It didn't take long and my meals were planned out for me to a T!  It was great.  This week I haven't been doing that, or even meal planning or grocery shopping.  Bad Miranda!

I am seeing a real difference in my eating habits because of this.  More snacking and more time standing in the kitchen figuring out what the heck I want to eat!

I know next week I need to get moving on getting things done for us!!  This is just crazy!  If I have better weeks with a bit of planning I've got to get back on that.

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Weekly Review ~ Week #6

This week I took off.  I know it sounds silly but I had a rough week and while I wanted to get myself back under control I knew looking at the scale would only derail me ever more than it needs to.

I'm trying something a bit different this week.  I didn't get my salads made but I'm going to be working out ever morning on the treadmill for about 10 minutes or so.  Just something to keep me moving a bit more than I am now. Hopefully it makes a difference!!

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Weekly Review ~ Week #5

Well... lets see... things didn't go according to plan this week

We had friend over this past weekend and then things kinda went all haywire.  My period came.  And for anyone who understand this there should be a huge "awe".  Yeah... it's brutal and I hate it and it came early.  So I was thrown off a bit. 

I did get in my exercise (Walk/Run on Sunday; Aquafit on Monday; Zumba on Thursday).  I'm hoping to do well this week and I have some plans set up in place for now.

My Friday weight in went like this:

Starting weight: 243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
Weight in #1 - 237.4lbs DOWN 5.6lbs!!
Weight in #2 - 237.0lbs DOWN 0.4lbs
Weight in #3 - 236.4lbs DOWN 0.6lbs
Weight in #4 - 235.6lbs DOWN 0.8lbs
Weight in #5 - 235.6lbs same

Total weight down 7.4lbs!

I didn't lose, I didn't gain.  I'm so miffed about not losing.  I really really really wanted to lose at least 1 pound, maybe even two, but I just didn't get too.  I'm so bummed.

This week I have the same goal.  I had to ask my hubby for my "disincentive" list this week freaking out that I may just need it, but thankfully I did ok :)

This week's Goal:

3 work outs
drink 1 bottle of water
cut back to 2 diet cokes a day (again....)

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Weekly Review ~ Week #4

Almost 1 pound down!  Almost!

While I did want to add in another exercise this week I didn't get the chance.  And then things got in the way for my Zumba class on Thursday night.  So with 1 workout this week and Q's bday I did "ok"

My Friday weight in went like this:

Starting weight: 243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
Weight in #1 - 237.4lbs DOWN 5.6lbs!!
Weight in #2 - 237.0lbs DOWN 0.4lbs
Weight in #3 - 236.4lbs DOWN 0.6lbs
Weight in #4 - 235.6lbs DOWN 0.8lbs

Total weight down 7.4lbs!

I've not gotten down to my first goal of 236.0lbs.  I'm now at 235.6lbs.

I get my first "treat".  I'm going to buy some new underwear!!  Silly to be excited but I am!

Next up is my 15lbs goal.  I'm hoping by May long weekend I'm down that far.  Maybe further?

My personal goal this week, with making sure I get all 3 workouts in I'm aiming to get down 2lbs.  At least 1 full pound but I'd like to see 2 down!

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"New Plan"

When I start these "adventures" I always have some "big huge plan".  But really... I don't. 

All I know is that at this point in my life, with things always changing, a "plan" doesn't work out.  I do good with things like scheduled events.  For example, my Aquafit (Monday nights) and my Zumba (Thursday Nights) is perfect for me.  They are things I need to *LEAVE MY HOUSE FOR*.  Which is also a bonus for getting things done.

But it's not enough.  I need more things to do.  More workouts.  Something else to get me motivated. 

I know these 2 times a week workouts aren't working enough for me.  I'm not losing weight as fast or as much as I would like.  So I'm trying to add in another workout.  I'm aiming for Sunday morning.  I'm hoping to get on the treadmill for a bit once Arnold leaves for church.

See there are no Sunday schools for our kids right now.  So Kyler, Quinton and I have no reason to be there early.  Instead Arnold heads out to church and we have about an hour and a bit. 

So treadmill it is!

Here's to Week #4!

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Weekly Review: Week 3 over with!

Another week with a loss!!  Not a lot but still, some is better than nothing right?

With Easter, hubby and I having a huge fight (honestly I'd say our first "real" fight ever), a night at a hotel with hubby and a week of semicrazyness and lots of emotions.

I am noticing that I'm losing with the "workouts" I've been doing but it's not enough.  I'll post more about that later

My Friday weight in went like this:

Starting weight: 243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
Weight in #1 - 237.4lbs DOWN 5.6lbs!!
Weight in #2 - 237.0lbs DOWN 0.4lbs
Weight in #3 - 236.4lbs DOWN 0.6lbs

Total weight down 6.6lbs!

I'm hoping for a bit further.  My first goal is down to 236.0lbs even.  I get to treat myself to some new clothing.  I'm aiming for this for next Friday!

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Post Easter Weekend!

Oh man!

You know I thought I "did well" until Sunday's big meal happen.  I made sure half my plate was a salad, and some veggies, a bit of potatoes and a slice of ham, with a Williams bun!  Then I waited.  I waited almost an hour before eating any of the leftovers.  And between leftovers, crappy snacking and just ick... I weighted in WAY too much this morning :)

Don't we all?


Tell me I'm not alone!

Ok fine I am!  So there.

This week I'm planning to be more careful about food intake.  And sleep.  I need more sleep this week. 

With Monday "off" from school this makes my week a short week so here's the plan right now:

Monday - Clean up from this weekend and put things away and make sure the kids survive :)
Tuesday - possibly help at school, if not treadmill walk and make meal plans
Wednesday - help at school, treadmill walk in afternoon, youth games at night
Thursday - possibly help at school, if not treadmill walk in AM, or gardening, depending on the weather, Zumba at night
Friday - help at school, walk in afternoon and maybe even family walk, if weather still nice before/after dinner.
Saturday  - get my life back together for next week!

This past week has been a bit emotional for us at our house.  See on Monday (March 25th ) would have been Otis's C-section date.  We had it planned before we had finished our first OB appointment.  Then on Friday I got to visit him at the cemetery, and again a bit later in the day.  Sunday was hard at church hearing a brand new baby cry.  Sunday before we left we went to see him again.  And this Friday, April 5th, was Otis's due date.  We are celebrating by having cupcakes!  I'm going to be trying so hard not to emotionally eat this week.  Please keep me accountable!

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Weekly Review: Week 2 Done!

I lost this week!  Not that I lost and gained but I lost and LOST!  Trust me it wasn't alot but it was some, and that's what counts, right?

This week, for some reason, seemed harder than before.  There wasn't as many appointments but I had my daycare girl for the whole week and I didn't feel like I had the "Freedom" to do things.  With it also being an emotional week as well it was kinda hard to handle.

My "Friday" weight in went like this:

Starting weight: 243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
Weight in #1 - 237.4lbs DOWN 5.6lbs!!
Weight in #2 - 237.0lbs DOWN 0.4lbs

I did go down.  Not alot but still I went down.  I found this week I didn't have a large emotional "push" this week.  I feel like I'm going to need to layout my workout plans for the week and see if that helps a bit more.

With Easter being this weekend I had to weight in today instead of tomorrow.  Hopefully my losses and working will keep up :)

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Meals On The Go

Today was CRAZY!!  I've been on the go since the moment I got up this morning!  It's one of those crazy days.

My biggest problem is eating on the go.  Right after school (where I volunteered) I had an appointment with Quinton.  Since my daycare girl was with me today it meant an extra person to head out.  Last time we did this it was more of a McDonalds Lunch day.  I did get "healthy" but still... I know I could have made something just as healthy if not more at home.

I guess this means my newest challenge is now eating out.  I'm going to have to figure out what will be my solution.

Wraps, healthy sandwiches, anything I can eat in the car... new pinterest searches... :)

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Weekend 1

Dang...... there goes my first weekend....

So I thought it went ok.  I knew I was doing "alright".  Saturday I did pretty good, but then there was dinner... and extra pasta, and extra everything...


Then dinner on Saturday night was great :)  REALLY great.  So great that I ate WAY too much... and then ate more on Sunday afternoon, and more Sunday evening.

It's been a rough week, and coming up to an emotional week here and I"m trying my best to be good.

This weekend was... well a learning experience.  I have to keep reminding myself that while I like dinners doesn't mean I have to eat it all.

Today I'm up a bit, but I understand.

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Weekly Review: 1 Week Down

It's finally Friday... my (current) favourite day of the week.  Mainly because my weight in is today and I LOST!!  But because it's friday, which means a weekend home with my family!

So yesterday was fun.  I managed to overcome some challenges.  I wasn't feeling 100% but I did ok.  I woke up early to get to a dentist appointment.  I *hate* the dentist.  I love our dentist, he is so nice and so great with the boys.. but dang... I hate going to the dentist.  Then I rushed home to get hubby and we went to an appointment, then home to get Q from school then back home for lunch then off to get hubby to school.

We made a stop at the grocery store.  I had had a "sweet" craving all day.  I wasn't sure what it was but when I saw a mars bar at the grocery counter I thought that would do it.  I opened it up and took a bite and it wasn't what I wanted... at all.  So I gave the rest of it to Arnold and the other bar to Quinton. 

I satisifed my craving when I got home. 

Anyway here's what my Friday morning looked like:

Starting weight: 243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
Weight in #1 - 237.4lbs  DOWN 5.6lbs!!

I cashed in my "large" ticket motivation.... 5+ lbs loss... I want ALL the tools out of my house.

It sounds silly but it's really made me happy.  I have been able to bring home some projects from school to get them ready for next week and be more excited how this will work.  I'm really hoping things get done this weekend!

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So This week Arnold and I sat down and really worked out what I want for my weight loss.  So the main goal is to get from my current weight (when this started) 243lbs to 220lbs by the summer time.

I knew that my "first" goal was to get down 15lbs.  I really want to get down to 228lbs by our anniversary (May 22nd)

I know I need more motivation then just getting to 15lbs and buying clothes.

Arnold and I talked about it alot and I now have some "serious" motivation.

First things first..... I'm going from 243lbs...

When I get down 7lbs I get to buy new underwear :)  I really need some

When I get down 15lbs I get to buy a new outfit

When I get down 23lbs I get to buy something new for me to feel good!

To help me out with a bit more motivation we have come up with a few more "bonus" things.

I ranked them as far as how much weight I lose that week... ish....

For example. 

If I only lose 1 pound per week then these things are possible for motivation:
*"Free" grocery shopping trip (Arnold would go and grocery shop for me)
*Clean my bathroom
*Put away the laundry

If I lose 2 pounds per week then these things are possible for motivation:
*15 minutes nightly massage!
*Arnold will do a "Miranda Clean" of a room

If I lose 3 pounds per week then these things are possible for motivation:
*Laundry for a week!
*Something of my choice  :)
*Buying a new necklace/bracelet/accessory

If I lose 5 pounds per week then these things are possible for motivation:
*Fix 5 things of my choosing in the house
*Remove ALL tools from my house and put in the garage
*Bring ALL the bikes and such back home.

I'm not sure if these will work but I'm hoping to "cash these in" soon

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Day #3

Go figure... that typical Day #3

There is that "day #3" rule.  Things always get hard on day 3.  And guess what!  It did.  I had Zipo energy...

Supper was this yummy yummy BLT salad.  SO good.. but seriously, pasta is my crack.  I could eat it every day, for every meal.  It's bad....  So lets just say yesterday wasn't perfect...

Hopefully today is better.

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One Day down :)

So I got my Monday workout done.  I did my Hiit workout and my Aqua fit.  I'm proud of myself.

I even ate ok :)

Today... well yeah.  I forgot to have breakfast (in part that the milk was gone before I got to eat and my kiddos were having a rought day).  And then lunch was 2 chicken wraps at McDonalds and some "party mix" on the way to therapy. 

At least tonights meal is in the crockpot and it smells yummy :)

I'm ok with how my weight is going. It's not dropping like crazy but not skyrocketing either.  I'm checking my weight morning and night.  Just to make sure I'm not doing anything "too stupid".

Here's to today :)

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2013 The Year Of Change

This year is my year of Change.  I am changing.  I am trying to figure out who I am.  What I am doing for my life and how I want this to work.

I've started off the year by scaring the crap out of myself by book a "photo shoot" in July.  I am keeping it as a goal for myself to lose weight.

Until now I thought I was doing "ok".  I thought I was losing weight nicely and not doing so bad.  Well.. I was wrong.  Last week was March Break and all hell broke lose in my house.  I ate everything in sight. 

So now I'm back on track.  I have a few goals in mind.  Right now the first one is to get down in weight. 

Starting weight:  243lbs (March 16th 2013 weight in)
First Goal of my own:  228lbs.  - This would be 15 pounds down from my weight now. 

Once I reach my First Goal I plan on buying some new clothes.  If I'm going according to my goals I want to be down 15lbs by 7 to 8 weeks.  This puts me around my 9 year Anniversary with Arnold.  I'm really hoping to buy a new dress for that date!

A friend, Amy, introduced me to this 30 day challenge by "Hiit".  There are different ones to go after it but generally this is the deal.  Each day for 30 days you do a different video.  At the end you see where you stand.  If things have changed.. you know.  The video series works that you do it for 6 days a week and have an "active rest day" on Sunday.  But I'm going to be changing how I plan it out.  A friend online is doing it with me.  Every Monday to Friday.  Saturday and Sundays we find we are so busy it just doesn't work out for us.  So this is the new plan.  I'll attach the calendar in the next post. 

I am also taking advantage of my local community centre.  I've been doing Aqua fit there for a while, and while it may not help me lose weight it does help me keep active.  I'm also doing their Zumba class on Thursdays. That class makes me sweat!!  I'm glad I"m taking it.

Right now my plans look something like this:

Monday - Aqua Fit and part of a 30 challenge called "Hiit"
Tuesday - Hiit workout and a 1 mile walk on the treadmill (increasing each week by 1 mile until 1 hour of walking/working out)
Wednesday - Hiit workout and meal plan for the next week
Thursday - Hiit workout and Zumba
Friday - Hiit workout and 1 mile walk on the treadmill

Saturday and Sunday would be "rest days". 

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It's time to get Serious

So much has happen since the last time I posted.  It's a bit crazy.

2012 was horrible.  At least I felt like it.  We got pregnant in March and lost our Baby Casey in April.  We hen got pregnant again in July and we lost our baby Otis Gus Gilbert at the end of November.  Otis was born at 21 weeks and 1 day.

2013 is the year to figure out who I am. 

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