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Well if there's one thing I've learned...

it's that I'm the laziest person in the whole world!

I'm loving my Fitbit.  It's great.  I'm learning a lot about myself with it.  Not only that I don't walk as much as I thought but more so that I need to get walking more.

During the week I'm averaging about 600 steps from morning until about 4pm.  This is with my "summer routine".  I'm so lazy!

When it gets to evening time I'm doing a bit more walking but not much, unless I need to got to Wal-Mart or something.

I'm not getting close to my 5000 steps a day (that should be average) or even close to the best of doing 10,000 steps a day to lose some more weight.

I'm going to have to work on this!

Starting on Saturday.  I want a full week of what my "normal" schedule is.  Even with eating, which is horrible.

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And we try again....

I'm now trying again... again.


I know I know.  I've done this lots and lots before.  I've come up with so many "options" and so many "plans" that I'm finally getting back on track.

Here's my new "plan"

Start slow!  hehe... I need to start slow... even more slower!

Arnold and I talked about it a lot about how I jump into things.  I love going full hearted into something, like weight loss, and then about 2 to 3 weeks later I don't see results and I get frustrated and I binge eat.  A lot... my weight goes back up and then it just goes around and around and around.

It's this horrible cycle I put myself into.

So we are working on this now. 

Now is the time to turn over a new leaf.

As you know I'm a planner.  A BIG planner.  A REALLY Big planner.

A few days ago I printed off some calendars with "starting weight" and "ending weight".  I decided to really work at it this time.  Today Arnold and I went out and picked up a "Fitbit".  I've got it on now and I'm excited to see how it works.  SLOWLY!

I'm working on seeing how my steps rack up for the next week.  I'm going to try and see how it all works out.  I have spots on my calendar now to put in my "steps _________" each day.  After 1 week I'm going to up my steps and see how they go.

I'm going slow... VERY slowly!

After talking with my blood pressure doctor, Arnold and I have made the choice to aim for 1 pound a week.  While that may not seem like a lot and completely changes what my plans are, I'm still excited to see how these changes SLOWLY happen.

Starting with the end of July I want to lose 2 lbs:

And I'm hoping to ring in the new year in the 210's.  My goal is for the week before the new year I will be at 220lbs.  If I get there before HELL YEAH!

I've also redone my motivation board.  I'm so excited to get using it.

I've set up the Pounds To Lose section.  I've got the clips in 5 sets.  I have 4 sets of 5 (20 clips) and 3 extra.  My weight start when I really "started" to lose weight a while ago was 243lbs.  So that's where I started.  I wanted to lose 23lbs.  So here's my goal:

I do also have a "pounds lost" section.  When I do lose weight I take the clips from the "Pounds to Lose" and move it to the "Pounds Lost" section.

 I have a "Goals" section as well.  It's my goals for this time.  I'm working on losing weight, counting our steps, and most of all... working towards my new goal.

I've also updated my sticky notes sheet :)  I've got new goals and new motivation.  All things that will help me encourage myself to work towards this weight loss.

I've got different levels.  5+ pounds loss.  It gives me :

I have 2 for 3+ pounds loss. 


I have 3 for the 2+ pounds loss

I have 5 for the 1+ pounds loss.  I needed the "easy" motivation.  So if I accurately lose weight every single week I can "get something".  Most are from Arnold, but things I love or want!

I also have my starting weight (243lbs) and my next weight ins (July 21st - tomorrow morning to know just what it is; and July 26th - my normal Friday morning weights ins)

And last but not least my Goal weight for 2013.  I want to be at this weight or lower for Jan 2014!!

So there you have it!  My new plan. 

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Today's The Day!!

So back in Jan I thought I would book a photo shoot for myself.  And to be honest, not just any photo shoot a "boudoir" photo shoot with this company :  http://www.lastfortypercent.com/  This is their main page (they do weddings, families, new babies, ect as well as boudoir photo shoots).

I thought this would scare me enough to lose that weight and rock out these photos.

Then I realized I just can't do this on my own.  I was looking back at my "2013 restart" plan and I weighted 243lbs.  I can tell you that today I weight about 234lbs.  I've lost 10 pounds since right after March break.  I'm getting there but not as "quickly" as I would like.

As I've said before my BP dr wants me to lose weight, more weight, ALOT more weight than I thought I could but I'm going to try it. 

However.. that being said... my photo shoot day is here.  I woke up yesterday with the two biggest pimples EVER on my face. I was hoping they would just go away, but I was wrong.  So my next 2 hopes are that the makeup artist I'm going to is AMAZING and if not that the photographer doesn't mind spending time in Photoshop getting them to look better!

So here I am... laying in bed trying to get myself moving for the day.  I'm worried my pictures will look horrible.  I'm scared that once I actually see myself in front of a camera I will hate it and most of all I'm terrified of what Arnold will think when they come back.

I still haven't decided if I will even show him but still.

I promise I'll post about it once it's done but for now this is how I feel :)

Have a great day!

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